More than any other time, the world is more complicated and stressful to navigate. Our children are not immune and may feel the pressure more without verbalizing it. They are more busy with sports, extra-mural activities, social media overload, changes in their bodies and hormone levels that would make an adult’s head spin.

Consequently, they are super stressed, anxious, show signs of depression and withdrawal, develop body image issues and eating disorders. To mitigate these issues, it’s wise to offer them an opportunity to essentially unplug and take a breather from the race. Even a few massage sessions can make a big difference in reducing these symptoms and help them (and you) cope better. 
If you have an athlete, a musician, an academic achiever, or just a teenager in your house, offer them a massage at MyMassage and see if you and your child think that it was helpful. The benefits are increased dopamine (the feel-good hormone) and decreased cortisol (the stress hormone), decreased muscle tension and increased range of motion, which assists in recovering from, or preventing, injuries.

Younger children often have a shorter attention span, so a 30-minute session would be more than appropriate.  Plus, this would be enough time to have an effective treatment. 
As children approach middle teen age years, 30 or 45-minute sessions could be appropriate depending on the extent of what is needed for the treatment plan. For very active children 14 and above even a 60 minute massage is appropriate if they are very stressed or play multiple sports.
Parents are always encouraged to be present in the room with children, and for teenagers it is up to their discretion.  It is the massage therapist’s obligation to ensure that they ask the child if they want a massage, what they would like worked on and to follow the child’s wishes.  Also, the therapist will explain the treatment plan in such a way that the child can understand to ensure that they consent to the treatment and feel comfortable. 

⦁ Reduces a child’s feelings of anxiety, by boosting levels of serotonin and dopamine
⦁ Caring touch stimulates the body in positive ways to help grow and develop.
⦁ Stimulates cognitive development, increases alertness as well as speed and accuracy.
⦁ It’s been shown that teenagers are often much more open to engage with parents and siblings after a massage
⦁ Increases child’s happiness level by increasing their levels of dopamine and serotonin
⦁ The effects of ADD and ADHD in children could be reduced with regular massage treatments, thereby exhibiting less hyperactivity and more on-task behaviour.  In some cases, regular massage has even cut down on the amount of regular prescription medication needed.
⦁ Teenage psychiatric patients experienced improved sleep and clinical progress as well as decreased depression, anxiety and stress.
⦁ Massage was shown to help children with dermatitis and other skin conditions.
⦁ Regular massage helped to reduce and relieve childhood and adolescent growing pains.

⦁ Benefits of Massage Therapy for Kids with Autism | Oriole Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre. (2018). Retrieved from
⦁ Can my kids get massages? – The Pure Escape. (2018). Retrieved 26 April 2018, from HTTP://WWW.THEPUREESCAPE.CA/MASSAGE-THERAPY/FAQS/FAQ12/
⦁ Children and Massage. (2018). Retrieved from
⦁ College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. (2018). Retrieved from
⦁ Growing Up Easier Publishing © 2009; Customized Mary Smith Design, h. (2018). Massage For Children & Youth. Retrieved from
⦁ How young is too young for massage therapy?. Garden, H., & Health, S. (2018). Retrieved from
⦁ Kids Massage | Massage For Kids NJ | Children’s Massage Therapy | NYC Kid Massage At Home.  (2018) Mobile Massage in NJ and NYC by Mountainside On-Site Massage Therapy